No more "put a skirt on it"

I gave a lightning talk at Double Union in summer 2014. It addresses something I've long been frustrated with: the sorry state of "default" imagery.

What I've learned in 2 months at an agency

2 months ago, I started my first design agency job. I thought I'd share a couple unexpected things I'm loving – and not loving – about the pace and feel of agency work.


SF Muni countdown display

Why should you have to go to the Muni stop to find out when the next Muni is coming? We hacked up a simple display that helps us figure out when to leave the house in order to catch the streetcar at just the right time.

Learning, Design, & Technology at Stanford

I graduated from the Learning, Design, and Technology (LDT) program at Stanford in 2011. Picking a graduate program is tough, and picking an ed tech graduate program is especially hard since it's an awfully diffuse field. So here are a few thoughts that might help any information-seekers. (My opinions are SO not endorsed by the Stanford Graduate School of Education.)

4 lessons I learned running an online course

Take a design and social entrepreneurship challenge and put it online – at the same time as it's running in person. Sound crazy? Well, in the spirit of prototyping, my team of edu-innovators gave it a try. Here are 4 things we learned from our pilot.